15 December 2022

How Much Are Electric Bike Rentals (Cost and How to Rent)


Electric bikes have grown ever so popular in home use and major tourist areas, and we guarantee there is a reason for that. 

Have you ever considered what it would be like to have an electric bike with you on a ride near a fancy seaside? You don’t have to worry about getting yours on a plane because they are up for grabs as a rental.   

Even if you don’t own an electric bike, you should give it a go as they are easy to come by all over the US. 

Find out how easy it is and how much electric bike rentals are with our all-encompassing guide with costs and a simple how-to.

Ebike Rented

Electric bikes are a fun and cost-effective way to get around almost anywhere. Go sightseeing, check out the local festivals, or simply enjoy the ride - it’s all up to you. 

Get your friends while out on a trip, rent a couple of electric bikes and do the exploring at your own pace. One of the main advantages of an electric bike is that you can stop and go whenever you want without the annoying hassle of parking. 

Grab your electric bike whenever you’re ready and off to your next adventure. 

Made for the outgoing, action-loving types of people, electric bikes are also an excellent exercise. Plus, electric bikes allow you to gauge how much physical effort you are willing to put into it.  

There is basically no terrain off limits for an electric bike - hiking trails, hills, or rough terrain. 

The battery, which goes along any electric bike, grants you serious coverage, and you can cross large distances with it, allowing you to visit all the sites in one go.   

Our favorite aspect of the electric bike is that it gives you speed, comfort, and reliability while being completely eco-friendly. Go green and enjoy the sun and nature while out on a satisfying ride. 

Last but least, don’t forget to have fun! Electric bikes are amazing and we are sure you’re going to love them if you haven’t realized that for yourself already.

Before You Ask About The Price

Couple on Rented Ebikes

Before we get to just how much the costs of renting an electric bike are, there are several things you should get acquainted with. Do not hesitate to pose the same questions we ask here to the company you will be renting the electric bike from. 

What are the local laws concerning electric bikes? 

If you already own and frequently ride an electric bike then you are probably acquainted with the laws in your state. However, the laws might change once you cross the border on your way to the vacation spot. 

We have compiled a list of electric bike laws for all the US states and you should take a look at these so you can better prepare yourself. 

For example, certain states have age restrictions while others require full protective gear whenever you’re on the bike. This is especially important if you plan on bringing your kids with you on the trip. Generally speaking, children under the age of 16 shouldn’t be driving electric bikes so you make sure to ask about any age restrictions. 

Furthermore, ask about bike lanes, traffic rules regarding electric bikes, and where and when you can park the bike.

What type of electric bike are you renting? 

Companies that rent electric bikes usually offer several types. The types naturally influence the price but it should come down to your personal preference and the way you mean to ride the bike. 

The types more or less come down to one of these two: 

1. The pedal-assist electric bike 

This is by far the most common type of electric bike. It requires you to pedal but it offers electrical assistance making it much easier than a regular bicycle. 

You can adjust the level of electric assistance by choosing a gear and then adapting your pedaling to it. This means that the higher you set the gear for electrical assistance the less you will have to pedal and vice-versa. 

Pedal-assist bikes do not offer any kind of throttle for acceleration and their max speed is set to around 20 miles per hour.  

2. Throttle electric bike

These electric bikes are much more similar to motorcycles as they require no actual pedaling from the rider. 

They are however safer than electric motorbikes as their speed is capped at 28 miles per hour. 

We recommend this type for people that can’t or do not wish to pedal as well as for those loving the thrill of going at higher speeds.  


What is the maximum distance and power? 

You should always have a pre-calculated plan for your tour because the batteries cannot last forever. Keep in mind that the area you plan on covering should include the return trip as you need to bring the electric bike to the starting point.  

There are various types of electric bikes, all with unique characteristics, but the range of an electric bike is mostly determined by the strength of the battery. 

Most of the batteries found on electric bikes are Lithium-Ion and come in various sizes from 48V, 52V, all the way to 72V. Of course, the stronger the battery, the more speed it can garner and the more distance the bike can cross.  

Other than distance there is one more thing you need to think of whilst choosing a bike to rent - the terrain.  

It’s not the same whether you plan on going on a leisure ride through the city center or hiking trail deep in the woods. The main thing you will need to take into consideration once you’ve chosen the terrain is the motor power. 

The ~300w electric motor is suitable for everyday commuting or sightseeing on even ground. However, for places such as beaches, hills, and rough terrain in general, a 500w motor is far more suitable. You even have the option of a 750w electric motor for the harshest of terrains.

The Prices

Senior on Rented Ebikes

Unfortunately, there is no definitive price on electric bike rentals. The reason behind this is that there are a plethora of variables that influence the price in some way. 

Type of bike 

As we have mentioned earlier, there are several types of electric bikes on offer, and depending on the bike, the price will shift as well. 

The pedal-assist bikes are the most common and because of their initial price and their abundance, they will be the least expensive type. 

On the other hand, throttle bikes are much rarer and are closer to an electric motorbike in their performance meaning they are virtually pedal-less. This translates to them being the more expensive variant.    

Batteries effectively limit the range of the electric bike, but their strength also increases the price of renting. However, if you are charged at an hourly rate, having a greater range means that it is somewhat cost-effective to choose a bike with a stronger battery.   

The power of the electrical motor adapted to the bike is proportionate to the price. More powerful motors are expensive upon purchase so the rental company will place a heftier price on those. 

Time and location

As you can probably imagine, rental prices for electric bikes shift drastically throughout the year. During the season of holidays and vacations, almost all bike rental companies raise their prices similarly to everything else in the US.

Electric bikes have never been this popular so high-density tourist areas will probably use this fact to increase their hourly rental. Similarly, you will get a much better price if you choose to give the electrical bike a go in a less crowded city or area. 

Your location may also influence the price because of the local cost of electricity and the selling price of electric bikes. 


The terrain 

You should not be surprised if you are asked where exactly you plan on taking the bike for a ride. This is especially true if you are renting an electric bike near a known hiking trail full of steep slopes and muddy terrain. 

Rental companies need to ask you this sort of question as certain types of terrain can drain the battery faster, having detrimental effects on its overall life. 

The price is, therefore, higher as rental companies are looking to ensure themselves from any damages that might occur in the long run.   

Other variables which cause the price to change are things like group discounts and membership packages.    

Price according to rental time

As it is with all goods that can be rented, the rental time influences the price most drastically. 

1. Per hour 

The average price for hourly rental of electric bikes is around $10 - $20, but you should always take into consideration the previously mentioned factors. For example, the current hourly rate in Napa valley is somewhat higher and is $30 per hour. 

Renting an electric bike hourly is perfect if you plan on using it for just a couple of hours, perhaps to do some sightseeing or for a short joy ride. 

2. Per day

The minimum amount of money you will have to pay for a full day is around $80 and we are definitely not talking about tourist spots here. 

However, renting electric bikes with your friend for an entire day can easily turn into a full-blown adventure without having to constantly check the time and worry about the hourly rate. 

3. Per week

There is an option for longer holidays to rent an electric bike for a week which could cost you somewhere around 300$. 

Even though this might seem like a lot of money, think of how much you would save in comparison with renting the bike on an hourly basis.  

4. Per month

Only certain companies have the option of monthly renting and do not expect to have this choice anywhere near popular tourist spots as those places will earn most of their money by charging the bikes per hour. 

The average cost is between $400 and $500, although the location and time of the year are also factors even in this option.

The Companies

Couple with Rented Ebikes

Now that you have all the info in one place it is time to find a rental company and place a reservation for the electric bike of your choosing. 

There are a lot of rental companies in the United States, probably hundreds if we count all the local ones. We have chosen for you four companies with the greatest coverage, meaning you can rent a bike all across the US using their websites. 

1. Lime

Based in San Francisco, Lime (LimeBike as it was previously known) is a rental company that rents cars, electric motorbikes, electric bikes, as well as regular, pedaling bikes.  

It works via an app that uses GPS technology to show you the locations of available bikes. You simply scan the QR code to unlock the vehicle on the app and once you’ve entered your credit card information, you are ready to go. 

After you have parked the bike, you can end your ride through the app and the sum is automatically withdrawn from your bank account. 

Lime is available in more than 50 cities and covers over 30 states within the US.  

2. Uber

Uber is a well-known company that has become the epitome of transport. Be it food, packages, freight transportation, or people, Uber is the company for the job. 

In recent years, Uber has made a partnership with Lime and now has the service of renting electric bikes and scooters. 

The process is fairly simple and works almost exactly like Lime. By scanning the QR code, you unlock the bike using the Uber app. Similarly to Lime, the rides also end via the app, and you pay with the credit card info that you had previously entered. 

3. Trek Bikes

Trek Bikes is a company that not only rents but also produces and manufactures bicycles and bicycle equipment. They have over 1700 shops all across the US along with many affiliates in other parts of the world. 

Rent an electric bike from Trek Bikes by visiting their website to find the nearest shop. You can either call or send an email to place a reservation and the bike will be waiting for you. 

Once you are finished with your ride, go back to the same shop to return the bike.  


5. FriendWithA

Unlike the other three companies we have listed for you, FriendWithA is all about connecting people who share the same love for the outdoors. 

Their website is essentially a marketplace for like-minded people that are willing to share their electric bikes with others. You can rent an electric bike and you can place your bicycle and similar gear on their website for others to rent. 

By using the website you can book your bike, and set the amount of time you’ll be renting it for and the exact time you will pick it up. Messaging system on the website allows you to easily communicate with people and coordinate when and where to pick up and return the electric bike.


Couple in Park on Rented Ebikes

Renting an electric bike is the next best thing to buying one and can give you hours and hours of joy riding, not to mention the time you will save on getting around on your vacation. 

Enjoy the sun, nature, and all of the sights you wish to visit on the most ecological yet efficient mode of transport. 

Now that you know how much electric bike rentals are and how to rent the bikes, invite your friends, book your bikes and go on an adventure!

About the author

The Electric-Biking Contributor Team consists a dedicated team of professional athletes and enthusiasts of electric bikes. We have several members in a team that are real experts in the electric bike battery field and electric bike maintenance. Each of our contributors has owned their electric bike for a minimum of 2–4 years.

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