Best Electric Bike Accessories: Look Good and Stay Safe

by Ruaan Nel 

December 15, 2022

Cycling is gaining popularity every day, as it’s a great way to spend some time in nature, enjoy an adrenaline rush, and get more fit and healthier. With all those goals in mind, electric mountain bikes seem to be all the rage nowadays. After all, these are ideal for various terrains and can be a rather handy asset for lovers of mountain biking, too. Still, if you’re a fan of this hobby or even if cycling has become your way of life, you’ll know that a single bike, no matter how amazing, can never be perfect on its own. But, with adequate gear and accessories, your biking experience will instantly turn trendier – and better looking.

A sturdy helmet

If you don’t own a helmet already yet plan to engage in mountain biking, stop reading this instance and go get yourself one! Riding electric bikes on challenging terrains is a rather fun adventure, but it also has its safety risks. A proper helmet is your first line of defense. These days, there are plenty of shapes and colors to choose from, and you can easily find one that fits perfectly and matches your style. Keep in mind that the more expensive a helmet gets, its quality and safety standard seem to improve.

The right biking gear

Electric bikes require a bit more style and preparation. Just like with helmets, adrenaline seekers should opt for the right kind of gear to match the overall vibe of this interesting hobby. This doesn’t only include clothes and adequate shoes, but additional protective elements, as well.

That said, make sure to dress for success, even when you’re going for a ride with your buddies over the nearby hill. You can opt for biking jerseys or shorts that are made of stretchy materials perfect for cycling. These also provide enough padding to make the cycling experience comfortable and fun. Don’t forget about biking gloves as these will ensure a strong grip and prevent blisters. When shoes are concerned, go for those that offer enough support to your feet with stiffer soles that will grip the pedals well. For added protection, knee pads are a must. Newbies should invest in elbow pads as well. You can get them in different shades to match your overall style.

A waterproof watch

When it comes to the trendy look of your cyclist lifestyle, you’re probably in the market for various gadgets that can make your life easier, more practical, and, at the same time, more stylish. In that respect, you can’t go wrong with top-quality waterproof watches. Not only do they look amazing and match the vibe you’re trying to create, but they’ll also let you know the time when you don’t want to bring your phone with you.

Powerful lights

Feeling like a hawk on your speedy e-bike is amazing but it also means that you’ll have a more difficult time seeing potential obstacles around you. Also, car drivers may find it hard to spot you in time, especially if you happen to be on the road at night. This is why a proper light set is essential for hearty cyclists. You can get a light set that’s operated by their own batteries or pick one that uses the power from your bike’s main pack.

Practical fenders

It’s true that fenders may not be essential for your electric bike, especially if you’re just getting into this activity and don’t want to spend too much money. However, you’ll soon find out that fenders are ideal protection against the splashing mud. If you don’t want your gear to get all dirty during the rainy season, and you have no intention of taking a cycling break when the weather is bad, fenders will make a huge difference. Simple plastic ones are more than enough practicality-wise, but you can always spruce up the look of your bike with funky colors or wooden fenders.

Suspension seatpost

A suspension seatpost is a true lifesaver for every fan of e-bikes and mountain biking. Not only will newbies find the suspension seatpost more comfortable, but even the veterans who have trouble with their hardtail frame are bound to love it. There are several different options on the market, but you can be sure that you won’t go wrong with either one.

Anti-theft GPS 

Obviously, a GPS is an amazing addition for an electric bike as it can help you find your way around unfamiliar terrains. Add to that an anti-theft system that will send a notification to your phone when unknown movement is detected and continue to track the bike with GPS, and you have yourself a winner e-bike bling!

Fat Electric bikes are undoubtedly very cool and turning mountain biking into a hobby is a healthy and adventurous pastime. However, remember that you have to be very careful and mindful of your safety. Just because you’re not behind the wheel but behind the handles doesn’t mean you don’t have to be a responsible rider. 


Ruaan is an electrical engineer born in South Africa and currently working in Oslo, Norway. He loves tech and gadgets and owns an electric car (Tesla) as well a front-wheel-drive electric bike. He rides his bike all year, even through snow and ice covered roads in the cold winter.

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